Certified Bariatric Educator Formal Designation

Become a Certified Bariatric Educator (CBE®)!

The Certified Bariatric Educator (CBE®) designation represents a prestigious and comprehensive examination grounded in evidence-based practices, fully aligned with the Canadian Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines. This certification is specifically designed for healthcare professionals committed to advancing their expertise in obesity management.

The CBE® designation is a mark of excellence that upholds the highest professional standards in obesity care. By achieving this credential, healthcare professionals demonstrate specialized knowledge in the principles of obesity management, distinguishing themselves as competent practitioners in the field. This designation enables the public to easily identify qualified healthcare providers who possess advanced expertise in obesity management.

Earning the CBE® designation not only enhances a professional’s credibility but also signifies a commitment to lifelong learning and best practices in obesity management. It serves as a valuable recognition within the healthcare community, establishing the holder as a trusted resource for patients seeking effective, evidence-informed obesity management strategies.

Who should become CBE® certified?

Healthcare professionals with a valid license in good standing who are actively engaged in the field of obesity management. This designation is ideal for those who assess and support patients living with obesity and seek formal recognition for their adherence to best practices and evidence-informed strategies in obesity management.

Exam Dates

The next CBE exam is scheduled for November 16, 2024. The deadline to apply for the exam is October 16, 2024, at 4:00 PM ET.

2025 dates have not been released.

Eligibility Requirements

1. Registered Healthcare Professional: You must hold a valid license in good standing with a regulatory body in Canada.

2. Obesity Training: Completion of the Introduction to Obesity Course is mandatory.

3. Practical Experience: You are required to have a minimum of 700 hours of practical obesity experience within the last five years. This experience may include education, management, advice, or care related to obesity.

4. Experience Verification: You must provide a letter from your direct supervisor verifying the minimum hour requirement. If you are self employed, you may submit a self-written letter indicating the date when you became self-employed, the percentage of your practice spent managing obesity, and any completed obesity specific education you have completed.

Practical obesity experience may include education, management, advice or care. 

Application Process

1. Meet the Criteria: Ensure you fulfill all eligibility requirements.
2. Submit Documents: Provide your verification documents in the specified format.
3. Purchase the Exam: Once your documents are submitted, you may immediately proceed to purchase the CBE exam here.
4. Verification Status: A staff member from Obesity Canada will contact you regarding your verification status within 14 days of submission.
5. Exam Instructions: Once verified, you will receive instructions for the exam day via email from an Obesity Canada staff member.

Document Submission

To ensure your application is processed smoothly, please adhere to the following submission guidelines. You are responsible for ensuring that your documentation is submitted correctly before purchasing the course. Failure to adhere to these requirements will result in ineligibility to write the exam.

Documents Required for Submission:
1. You must submit proof your professional license is within good standing.
2. You must download and include the certificate of completion for the Introduction to Obesity course.
3. You must submit a letter verifying the required 700 hours of practical experience.

Combine All Documents: ALL required documents must be compiled into a single PDF file. Multiple or incomplete submissions will not be accepted or saved.

File Naming Format: Rename your file using the following format:


(Example: Smith_Judy_April152024)

Exam Categories

There are 7 categories to the exam:

  1. Obesity in diverse populations
  2. Determinants of obesity and pathophysiology
  3. Communication and weight bias/stigma
  4. Diagnosis and goal setting & outcomes
  5. Comorbidities
  6. Treatments
  7. Follow-up and monitoring


Michael Boivin, PharmD 
Sean Wharton, MD, PharmD 
Priya Manjoo, MD 
Candace Vilhan, B.A Psych., E.C.E, CBE 
Mary Forhan*, PhD, OT 
Tasneem Sajwani, MD 
Jennifer Brown, RD, CBE  
Claire Kearney, RN 
Cathy Breen, RD, European Representative
Nicole Pearce, PMC, CPC(HC), Obesity Canada Representative  

*Chair of committee


The cost to write the CBE® exam in 2024 is $450 CAD.

There will be a price increase in 2025 however this fee is still being determined.

Exam Details

The exam is offered only in English.

This is a closed book exam. There will only be one attempt given on your exam date.

You must log into your Obesity Canada education portal the day of your exam to access the exam. You will have 3 hours to complete the exam once you start.

Bathroom breaks are permitted; however the allotted exam time will not stop while you are away.

There are a total of 120 multiple choice questions from 7 categories.

The exam is not video monitored. You may choose when to write the exam on the exam date however you must be completed the exam by 11:59pm ET.

If successful, you are able to use the designation “CBE” in both English and French. Participants practicing in French may use “Éducateur Agréé Bariatrique”.


The exam is confidential. Exams cannot be copied, printed, screenshotted or saved etc. in any manner at any time.

Successful Applicants: 

Applicants who are successful in passing the exam will receive a certificate via their online education portal.

Unsuccessful Applicants: 

Applicants who are unsuccessful in passing the exam are eligible to rewrite. Applicants can rewrite by submitting a new application and paying the required exam fees. There is no limit to how many times someone can take the examination.

The Day of Exam

You may start the exam at any time. Keep in mind you must be completed the exam before 11:59pm ET. There will be day-of support which will only be available from 10:30 AM ET to 4:30 PM ET. If you choose to write the exam outside of these support hours and run into technical problems, you will run a risk of failing the exam due to technical issues with no refunds.

Log into your profile on cpd.obesitycanada.ca.

Click on “My Account”

Under your profile information you will see the courses you are enrolled in – click on the Certified Bariatric Educator Examination.

Under the “Course Content” section, click on the exam – start the exam. Once you click on this button – your exam will begin. This will begin the countdown timer for your 3 hour time allotment. The exam automatically submits your saved answers every 5 seconds and submits all of the questions after the 3 hour time limit has elapsed.

You will see all of the questions at the same time.

Once you have started the exam, do not refresh your page, or navigate outside of the exam until you have completed the exam in its entirety. Failing to do so will result in a failure as you only have one attempt to complete the exam.

Once you have completed the exam, push the prompted “Finish exam” button to submit your answers. This will immediately bring up a “Results Page” where you will see if you were successful, or not successful.

Technical Issues on Day of Exam

If you are experiencing technical issues accessing the exam on the assigned exam date, please email us at learn@obesitynetwork.ca and include the following:

  • Difficulty experiencing
  • Screenshots if applicable
  • Your full name
  • Your email address associated with your education portal user

There will be day-of support which will only be available from 10:30 AM ET to 4:30 PM ET. If you choose to write the exam outside of these support hours and run into technical problems, you will run a risk of failing the exam due to technical issues with no refunds.

Cheating, Deceitful Behaviour, Designation Revoking

You are not permitted to have other people in the room during your exam. As this is a closed book exam, no materials, textbooks, etc are permitted while taking the exam. Participants are encouraged to have a hard-wired internet connection (not Wi-Fi). All browser windows must be closed, and dual monitors are not to be used.

Cheating is a serious offence and subject to disciplinary action. Any evidence of cheating that occurs during the exam will be noted in detail and reported to the Certified Bariatric Educator Committee for review. Any individual who knows or becomes aware that an examinee may have cheated or has failed to follow the exam rules in any way is obligated to notify us immediately at learn@obesitynetwork.ca.

Some examples of this offence are:

  • Allowing other individuals to come in and out of the room during the exam
  • Any recording or screen sharing of the exam screens, including taking screenshots, pictures, or video,
  • Copying the exam questions or answers,
  • Leaving mobile devices/smartphones, other web browsers, software applications, or other computers on during the exam,
  • Bringing in resource materials.

Designation revoking: 

Obesity Canada reserves to revoke designation for any of the following:

  • Falsification of any portion of the application form
  • Revocation, suspension, or disciplinary action by the individual’s professional body
  • Validated unethical practice of obesity education
  • Deceitful behaviour during the examination*

*This includes but is not limited to having someone write the exam on your behalf, having assistance of any kind, copying and/or sharing or attempting to share examination details.


You must renew your designation every 5 years. To recertify, you must apply to rewrite the examination and pay all associated fees. There is not a separate exam to recertify – you will be required to successfully complete the full exam again. All designation eligibility criteria must be completed prior to applying.

As the Canadian CPGs are a living document, the CBE® exam questions are reviewed to align with the most up-to-date evidence, having the exam questions rotate and update often.

Exemptions and Exam Accommodation Requests

If you believe you qualify for an exemption from the required prerequisites for the Certified Bariatric Educator (CBE®) examination, please submit a detailed request along with any supporting documentation to info@obesitycanada.ca. Each request will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and you can expect a response within 10-15 business days.

For exam accommodations, please specify the nature of your request and provide supporting documentation, such as medical certificates or relevant reports, to justify the need for accommodations. Accommodations may include extended time, alternative formats, or other adjustments as deemed necessary.

Please note that once you have submitted your required documentation and paid the accompanying fees for the examination, no refunds, extensions, or deferrals will be granted. This policy is strictly enforced, with no exceptions.

Please familiarize yourself with the Canadian Adult Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines and review the 5A’s toolkit for adults. Some individuals find Calibre to be helpful but it is not necessary to complete the Certified Bariatric Educator examination.

Verification Documents


Becoming a Certified Bariatric Educator is a privilege more than a mere certificate. CBE title involves testing that is equivalent in standards and level of knowledge testing comparable to what is offered Globally in the field of bariatric medicine certification. Yet, the material align with the Canadian health system sources, public values and providers` principles of practice. It requires many hours of CMEs and experience to be eligible for the test, ensuring high quality of medical education. The test format and platform was user friendly. I do recommend studying the Guidelines in obesity management and Advanced Obesity Management Program offered by Obesity Canada. Finally, I add that communication with the organizing staff was effective and seamless.

Ahmed Raheem MBChB, MRes, CCFP, CBE

As a registered dietitian in a family health team, I often counsel people living with obesity. Obesity is complex, and not only for patients, but also for practitioners. From addressing lifestyle behaviours and weight stigma to pharmacological management and bariatric surgery options as well as long-term follow-up, there are so many factors at play. When I heard about the CBE certification, I knew right away it was a certification that I wanted to obtain. Now that I have my CBE, I feel more confident when working with patients living with obesity; I can provide them with the best possible evidence-based care. I also believe the CBE certification is important for our society and health care system. The CBE certification can help both referring health care providers and the general public find a health care professional who is a formally trained in obesity care.

Nasser Yassine DtP, CSEP-PEC, CBE

Completing the Certified Bariatric Educator (CBE) exam has helped me to understand what it truly means to deliver high standards of obesity care. In my clinical practice I strive to understand the reality of living with obesity as a complex, chronic disease and support patients to access evidence based, non-stigmatising treatments. The CBE® is a hallmark of healthcare professionals who deliver excellence in care – and I’m delighted to have successfully completed this exam as it is one of the highest standards of education in obesity in Canada.

Cathy Breen, PhD, RD, Senior Dietitian in Diabetes and Weight Management

The CBE designation has been a great addition to my professional portfolio.  This area of medicine has many new and upcoming pharmaceutical treatments. It is important to ensure my clinical skills are ready to safely and effectively utilize all these medications. This designation allows me to feel confident about engaging in resource planning and programming for my community.

Angela Puim, PharmD. RPh. CBE. CDE. CRE.