Obesity Canada Education Recognition Program 

The Obesity Canada Education Recognition Program (OC ERP) is a distinction that provides formal acknowledgment for those involved in delivering educational programs on overweight and/or obesity and its intersecting conditions to healthcare professionals, employers, insurers, policy makers, or the public. This recognition is a mark of gold standard education that is creditable and demonstrates that the education meets Obesity Canada’s rigorous standards for scientific objectivity, quality, and relevance.


  • Official recognition from Obesity Canada as providing evidence-informed, gold standard obesity education,
  • Permission to use the Obesity Canada ERP logo, adhering to branding guidelines,
  • Promotion of your program on Obesity Canada’s website, newsletter, and social channels,
  • Discounted rates on Obesity Canada’s educational offerings for program participants,
  • Applicants to the education recognition program may provide an opportunity for their participants to connect through the Obesity Canada education portal,
  • Listing on the Obesity Canada event calendar,*
  • Co-development with Obesity Canada ensures up-to-date evidence-informed information, expert and lived-experience access and networking opportunities, 
  • With co-development, there is potential for the educational program to be hosted within the Obesity Canada learning management system, subject to additional fees.

*Benefit that will be in effect in early 2025

Once you have submitted an application form, below, an Obesity Canada staff member will review your submission and contact you shortly to arrange a meeting to discuss your application further. This proactive approach ensures that your educational initiatives align closely with our criteria and standards from the outset.

Co-development of Education

If you are in the early stages of planning your educational program and are interested in co-developing the content with Obesity Canada, we encourage you to reach out directly to us. Our team is eager to collaborate on projects that align with our mission and standards. Co-development opportunities with Obesity Canada provides advisory support in designing, developing, and accrediting gold standard educational activities rooted in evidence. Note, co-development has additional fees associated which are identified through discussions.

Recognition Criteria

  1. Educational Content Requirements:
  2. Inclusivity:
    • Involvement of a lived-experience expert in the design, development, and/or delivery of the curriculum.
  3. Format and Accessibility:
  4. Ethical Considerations:
    • Respectful Language and Representation: Ensure that all educational materials and presentations use inclusive, respectful, and person-first language, avoiding biases or stereotypes. This promotes an environment where all participants feel valued and respected.
    • Engagement of Diverse Perspectives: Actively seek to include diverse perspectives in the planning and execution of educational content. This includes the representation of various demographic backgrounds, professional experiences, and cultural perspectives.
    • Cultural Competence: Develop content that is culturally competent and acknowledges the diverse backgrounds of the learners. This includes considering cultural sensitivities and norms in the educational material.
    • Representation in Case Studies and Examples: Use a range of examples and case studies that reflect the diversity of the audience and society. Ensure that these examples do not perpetuate stereotypes or biases.
    • Physical and Digital Access: Ensure that all physical venues and digital platforms used for education are accessible to individuals who may be living with obesity or other conditions. This may involve providing accommodations such as sign language interpreters, subtitles, bariatric chairs, or specialized software.
    • Economic Accessibility: Consider the economic barriers that might prevent potential learners from participating. This could involve offering scholarships, sliding scale fees, or free resources to ensure that financial constraints do not hinder participation.
    • Protection of Participant Data: Safeguard all personal data collected during educational activities. Ensure that data collection methods comply with relevant privacy laws and that participants are informed about how their data will be used. All collected data should serve the program’s purpose. Gathering data without a clear, justified reason may be considered unethical.
    • Transparency and Consent: Be transparent with participants about the goals of the educational program and how their input and data will be used. Obtain informed consent for any data collection that occurs as part of the learning activities. This includes acknowledgement from participants if any of the data collected will be used for research purposes. 
    • Continuous Improvement: Commit to ongoing evaluation and adaptation of educational content to address any emerging scientific evidence and/or ethical issues and to reflect changes in societal norms and professional practices.

Application Process

  1. Submission Criteria:
    • Submission at least 6 weeks in advance,
    • Detailed program outline including occurrence,
    • Documents including:
      • application form, 
      • program overview, 
      • budget, 
      • sponsors, 
      • faculty and speaker lists, 
      • needs assessment, 
      • conflict of interest disclosures
      • final content if available*
  2. Submission Requirements:
    • Programs must be submitted in English, although they may be delivered in other languages,
    • A post-program evaluation summary must be submitted no later than 2 months post program, 
    • Allow one complimentary seat (where possible) to Obesity Canada staff or identified representative.

Ineligible Programs

Programs must not directly compete with Obesity Canada’s own educational offerings.


Non CommercialFees (No tax collected)
Not-for-profit, no fundingNo fee
Not-for-profit, funding under $4,999$500 CAD
Not-for-profit, funding over $5,000$1,250 CAD
Commercial$5,000 CAD

Helpful tools to create gold standard education 

This program not only elevates the educational offerings of organizations and individuals but also ensures they meet the high standards expected in obesity education, enhancing both credibility and outreach.

Questions? Email us!